In my ideal dream world every idea that pops into my head would be vetted by me, and if deemed worthy, would immediately and magically materialise.
No budget, application forms, health and safety, selection panels, judges, drawings, planning, contractors or site meetings.
Nothing but pure imagination and realisation without all the messy bits in between.
But, and there always is a but, the real world has just barged back into my daydreams in the form of a letter from the RHS, informing me that my design for the Hampton Court conceptual category has not been successful.
Rejection is never pleasant but bearing in mind I have had a pretty good run of luck of late, it’s not too hard to be philosophical, especially as I have gardens at Chelsea and Tatton Park to keep me busy.
Some you win and some you don’t.
C’est la vie.
Do I look bothered!
More about Tatton Park, the universe and everything very soon.