Lunar Landscape

When we moved to this garden 4 years ago I found one of those cylindrical, push in the ground mole scarers. It was broken with small dents all around the lower half, almost as if it had been well and truly done over with a miniature pick axe. There were no signs  of mole activity […]

Less Is More?

Well no, less is definitely less. But less can be better than more and is always preferable to more and more and more…. Apparently we are billions of pounds poorer due to the snow. I say apparently because it’s not entirely true. The way these figures appear to be calculated is to take GDP for […]

Sod’s Law

OK, so I don’t get out much. I admit, the demands of family and work, combined with a woeful lack of social skills take their toll. But in this instance I am alluding to a different sort of getting out. This morning I managed for the first time this year to get out of the […]


Everything dies baby that’s a fact But maybe everything that dies someday comes back. Bruce Springsteen wrote and sang that. Several things have brought this lyric to mind of late.  It could apply to the careers of discredited New Labour politicians, Middle East peace envoy, pull the other one!  Banks and city bonuses, resurrected almost […]