Post Election Blues

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear… The election and the surrounding circus has provided an enormous amount of  material I could rant about, but I just can’t summon up the enthusiasm. What’s knocked the ranting out of me  is the realisation that there seems to be  no end to the gullibility of the great British […]

I haven’t laughed this much since…

Driving back from Suffolk on Saturday lunch time, listening to a phone in on Radio 4. Apparently, according to a retired civil servant who had phoned in, presumably with the intention of enlightening the more passive listener with his specialist insight into our political system, he stated: “What the next government needs to do is […]

In Bed With Mr Darling

I, like many people around the country, spent Wednesday afternoon listening to what may well be Alistair Darling’s last budget. What strikes me as possibly the most interesting aspect of the budget is the way it mirrors what’s happening in my garden, both in timing and content. To prune or not to prune , that […]