You Say You Want A Revolution, Well Errr

You say you want a revolution, well you know, that ain’t the  way to change the world.

It is of course a well known fact that a revolution gets you back to exactly where you started.

So perhaps the good people of north Africa would do well to consider carefully what they wish for and be extremely wary of raised expectations.

A  revolution may well be what they get!

More Than Enough Said

I remembered something the other day. I don’t know why, it just popped into my head after a long time of not thinking about it. Funny how that happens.  It was something my mother used to say. Some things stay with you while many others don’t,  I am obviously  guessing here  because I can’t remember any of the things that I haven’t remembered but assume that there must have been more. Anyway, my mother used to say, If you haven’t anything sensible to say don’t say anything at all…………………………………………………

Should Have Done A Risk Assessment

I have found  today that two things are true:  computers are bad for my health and better late is definitely better than never, although I have to admit that sooner would have been preferable.

Having suffered with an excruciatingly painful neck and shoulder injury for over a year, the penny has finally dropped. The more I use the computer the more it hurts, that is my shoulder not the computer.

Now I have to decide: is it the chair that’s too high or the keyboard that’s too low? Do I cut the legs off the chair or jack up the keyboard? Difficult decision!

Eureeeeeeeka – got it!!

I have taken the keyboard from its little under-shelf and placed it on the desk top which is about 6 inches higher. What an ergonomic difference that makes!

Amazingly it only took me 18  months to work that out.

PS If you think I have just made that up, think again.

It’s summer time and the carp are rising

Or so my fishing obsessed sons tell me. They are camping and fishing one of their favourite Sussex lakes right now as I write this. It’s the summer holiday season and I feel ready to sleep as I usually do, much to Karen’s disgust, for three or four days. Then I will feel a lot better and can get on with the serious business of holidaying, if that’s the right word for it.

I know I should pace myself better over the year but I just can’t do it. When I have a project on the go like Chelsea I can’t and don’t want to slow down and take it easier. And when I get to this time of year there is a natural lull and I collapse in a heap. It’s crazy but it suits me if not anyone else!

This year has been a strange one though as after a quiet winter things started going a bit mad just before Chelsea and haven’t really calmed down since. Still, I will have my sleep and holiday before returning reinvigorated and ready to… well let’s see what turns up.

Life is like fishing, you never know what you are going to catch!