Long Time Coming And Probably Shouldn’t Have Bothered

It’s  a while since I posted a blog. It’s not that I haven’t written anything. I have started many times but never really had my heart in it. Who was it that said, ‘I didn’t leave poetry, poetry left me.’ I know it’s not quite the same thing but my artistic temperament does mean that if it’s not happening, it’s not going to happen till it’s ready. I am learning to take these absences of creativity a little bit more in my stride, after all it has always come back in the past.

What prompted me to write this was thinking about happiness and the fact that humans tend to see the world through rose tinted glasses. You know the one that’s always quoted, 99% of drivers rate themselves as above average. Clearly many of us are feeling better about ourselves and our lot in life than we have any right to!

So perhaps depression is when the rose tinted glasses slip and we see the world and ourselves for what it is/we really are.

Oh dear, I am not sure this is a good subject.

I am not worthy!!!!

I Said That

Knowledge seems to accumulate as it passes down the generations.

Unfortunately wisdom we take with us to the grave.

I said that with such confidence and authority that many will believe it.

Am I wise or knowledgeable?  Well, accepting that all things are truly relative I would claim that wisdom is by far the greater of the two blessings, and by making that statement, hope to prove myself possessed of a small degree of wisdom.

Or this may be yet another load of self important tosh!!

Should I Be Worried

Well now, that’s a question.

I am worried when a scientist tells me that the world is warming and it’s my fault and we are all doomed. I am also worried when another scientist claims that nuclear power is safe. I am worried when a politician tells me that he will scrap tuition fees and utterly incredulous when I am assured that… well the list goes on and on and on.

I think it’s safe to say that I don’t believe anything or anyone, and here is the reason. We all have our own agenda and can convince ourselves of anything that suits us at the time. Therefore I can’t even be sure that this is true or just something that is convenient for me to convince myself of.

This kind of argument is what prompted me to call my blog Pea Soup and Pork Pies.

Be afraid, be very afraid of anyone who claims to believe in anything at all. What’s more, the more fervently they claim to believe, the more worried I get.

PS I don’t believe a word of what I just wrote.

PPS And don’t bother commenting. I won’t believe that either.

The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Orange, Literally!

Yet again I find myself considering the human race’s capacity to inflict upon itself far more damage than all the other forces  of nature put together.

The devastating and heart rending earthquake and tsunami in Japan will one day, and perhaps not so very long from now, pale into insignificance compared to the self inflicted nuclear catastrophe that is sure to come.

Many people know that  nuclear power stations  leak on a regular basis and sometimes explode, even without the interventions of terrorists. However, the big and I believe inevitable disaster will be an increase in general background radiation brought about by many small incidents. The number of places on Earth that are contaminated is growing all the time and we delude ourselves if we think it won’t happen here. Even if we avoid a major incident in Western Europe we are not safe because it happens on the other side of the world.